SourceSV Verification Directory

The weighted distribution constraint is used with the dist operator to control the probability of specific values being generated during randomization. This is useful when certain values have to appear more or less frequently in a set of random outcomes.


The dist keyword is utilized to generated weighted distribution during randomization.

constraint <constraint_name> {varible_name dist {1 := 4, [2:5] := 8};}   // value := weight
constraint <constraint_name> {varible_name dist {1 :/ 4, [2:5] :/ 8};}   // value :/ weight
  • :=: This operator specifies that the weight is the same for every value within the specified range.
  • :/: This operator ensures that the weight is equally divided among all values in the range.

In the above example:

  • First constraint: The probability of generating the values 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 will follow a weighted ratio of 4 : 8 : 8 : 8 : 8, respectively.
  • Second constraint: The probability for the same values will follow a weighted ratio of 4 : 8/4 : 8/4 : 8/4 : 8/4, which simplifies to 4 : 2 : 2 : 2 : 2.

For a single value, both the := and :/= operators behave the same, as the specified weight is directly applied. However, the difference becomes evident when applied to a range of values. The probability of a value in a range when using :/ operator is calculated as:

\begin{equation} \label{eq.1} Probability = \frac{Specified \; weight}{Total \; number \; of\; values} \end{equation}

Note: The dist operation cannot be applied to randc variables. Additionally, the distribution expression must contain at least one rand variable to be valid.

Example Code

class const_ex;

   rand bit [2:0] a;
   rand bit [2:0] b;

   constraint const_1 {a dist{1:=4,[2:5]:=8};}
   constraint const_2 {b dist{1:/4,[2:5]:/8};}

   function void disp;
      $display("a = %d, b = %d", a, b);
   endfunction // disp

endclass // const_ex

module tb_const_dist;

   const_ex dist_ex;
   bit [3:0] a1,a2,b1,b2 = 0;

   initial begin
      dist_ex = new();
      for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) begin
         // count no. of 1s
         if(dist_ex.a == 1)
           a1 = a1+1;
           a2 = a2+1;
         // count no. of 1s
         if(dist_ex.b == 1)
           b1 = b1+1;
           b2 = b2+1;
      $display("Occurrence of    1  in a is %d\n", a1,
               "Occurrence of [2:5] in a is %d\n", a2,
               "Occurrence of     1 in b is %d\n", b1,
               "Occurrence of [2:5] in b is %d"  , b2);

endmodule // tb_const_dist