Source – SV Verification Directory
A layered testbench is a modular verification environment where the components are divided into specific layers, with each layer responsible for a distinct task. This structured approach ensures better organization, reusability, and scalability, making it easier to manage complex verification environments. The typical components of a SystemVerilog testbench are illustrated in Figure 1.
Let’s explore the SystemVerilog verification components using a Half Adder
as an example.
The top module acts as a wrapper that connects the Design Under Test (DUT) to the testbench environment, ensuring seamless communication between the two.
module tb_half_adder; /*AUTOWIRE*/ // Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs) wire c; // From DUT of half_adder.v wire s; // From DUT of half_adder.v // End of automatics intf i_intf(); //interface handle test t1(i_intf); //connect test class handle to interface half_adder DUT (/*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .s (i_intf.s), .c (i_intf.c), // Inputs .a (i_intf.a), .b (i_intf.b)); initial begin $dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars; end endmodule
Design Under Test (DUT)
The Design Under Test (DUT) refers to the actual hardware design or module that is being verified within a simulation environment. The DUT is the focus of the verification process, and it can be any digital design component, such as a microprocessor, a memory block, or a custom logic circuit.
module half_adder(a,b,s,c); input a,b; output s,c; xor X1 (s,a,b); and A1 (c,a,b); endmodule
The test component creates an instance of the environment and configures it for the simulation. Multiple test components can be defined to handle different test cases, ensuring comprehensive verification of the DUT under various scenarios.
`include "" program test(intf i_intf); environment env; //class handle initial begin env = new(i_intf); //class object; //class task end endprogram
All the signals are grouped under a single component, allowing them to be shared across different testbench components using a single reference. This approach simplifies the testbench by eliminating the need to reference each signal individually, promoting cleaner and more maintainable code.
interface intf(); logic a; logic b; logic s; logic c; endinterface
Clocking Block
A clocking block in a testbench is used to manage the timing relationships and synchronization of a group of signals. It provides a clear and organized way to define clocking events, control the sampling and driving of signals, and ensure synchronized operations within the testbench.
The environment component acts as the top-module for all the key components of a verification environment. It provides a modular structure by instantiating and connecting drivers, monitors, generators, scoreboards, and interfaces.
`include "" `include "" `include "" `include "" `include "" class environment; generator gen; //create the handle driver drv; monitor mon; scoreboard scb; mailbox m1; //mailbox : Generator to Driver mailbox m2; //mailbox : Monitor to Scoreboard event ev; virtual intf vif; function new (virtual intf vif); this.vif = vif; m1 = new(); //create the mailbox for connection m2 = new(); gen = new(m1); drv = new(vif,m1); mon = new(vif,m2); scb = new(m2); gen.ev = ev; //connect event from generator class scb.ev = ev; //to scoreboard class endfunction task test(); //performs the task in the classes fork gen.main(); drv.main(); mon.main(); scb.main(); join_any endtask task run(); //main which calls test() task test(); $finish; endtask endclass
The generator is key component responsible for creating stimulus or transactions that drive the DUT. It can generate both randomized and directed inputs. The generator is typically connected to the driver, which sends the generated stimulus to the DUT.
class generator; event ev; // Create event to wait until the scr is verified the transaction mailbox gen2drv; //Create a mailbox: sending info from Generator to Driver transaction trans; //Create an handle of the transaction class //Create a constructor of generator class //"new" will create a memory for variable for gen2drv and initialize //them with their default values and return the address to generator handle function new(mailbox gen2drv); trans = new(); //object for transaction class this.gen2drv = gen2drv; //info from the outside class is passed to the endfunction //gen2drv present inside this class task main(); repeat(10) begin assert(trans.randomize) else $error("GEN: Randomization Failed"); //randomize the transaction and verify if is randomized //trans.randomize(); //randomize the transaction trans.DISP("GEN"); //Display the values gen2drv.put(trans); //put them in the mailbox @(ev); // wait for the event to be triggered in scoreboard class end endtask endclass
The driver component is responsible for translating the stimulus generated by the generator into actual signal activity on the DUT. It interacts with the DUT’s via interface (virutal interface) and ensures that the signals are driven correctly according to the specified protocols.
class driver; virtual intf vif; //vif is the handle of virtual interface mailbox gen2drv; //handle of the mailbox transaction trans; //handle of transaction class, to get the data from mailbox function new (virtual intf vif, mailbox gen2drv); this.vif = vif; this.gen2drv = gen2drv; endfunction task main; forever begin gen2drv.get(trans); //receive the info from generator vif.a <= trans.a; //sample the input for the virtual interface vif.b <= trans.b; trans.s = vif.s; //sample the output from the virtual interface trans.c = vif.c; //sampling the output may not be required here trans.DISP("DRV"); end endtask endclass
The monitor component is a vital part of the verification environment responsible for observing and collecting data from the DUT. The monitor simply observes and records the signals for later verification.
class monitor; virtual intf vif; //declare virtual interface mailbox mon2scb; //declare mailbox to transfer info from monitor to scoreboard transaction trans; //handle for transaction class function new (virtual intf vif, mailbox mon2scb); this.vif = vif; trans = new(); this.mon2scb = mon2scb; //constructor or create an object for transaction class endfunction task main; forever begin #3; //sample after 3 ns trans.a = vif.a; //send the data from virtual interface to monitor trans.b = vif.b; trans.s = vif.s; trans.c = vif.c; mon2scb.put(trans); //put the info to send to scoreboard trans.DISP("MON"); end endtask endclass
The scoreboard component in the verification environment validates the outputs of the DUT against the expected results. It acts as a comparison mechanism, collecting data from the DUT and comparing it to the expected outcomes to determine if the DUT is functioning correctly.
class scoreboard; event ev; //Create event to trigger the next stimulus in generator class mailbox mon2scb; //Create a mailbox: sending info from Monitor to Scroeboard transaction trans; //Create an handle of the transaction class function new (mailbox mon2scb); this.mon2scb = mon2scb; endfunction task main; forever begin mon2scb.get(trans); trans.DISP("SCR"); if( ((trans.a ^ trans.b) == trans.s) && ((trans.a & trans.b) == trans.c) ) $display("Verification Passed! :)"); else $error("Verification Failed! :("); $display("-----------------------"); ->ev; //trigger an event to proceed to the next stimulus end endtask endclass