SourceRTL Design Directory

Read Only Memory(ROM): An Overview

Read-only memory widely known as ROM is a non-volatile memory that is used to store data or programs that do not change over time. As the name suggests, data can only be read from the memory. In digital design, ROM can be used to store image data or signal data for processing.

Memory File

A memory file is a simple file with an extension of *.mem that can store data in decimal, binary, or hexadecimal format. An example of a seven-segment ROM file is shown below:

0111111 // 0
0000110 // 1
1011011 // 2
1001111 // 3
1100110 // 4
1101101 // 5
1111101 // 6
0000111 // 7
1111111 // 8
1101111 // 9

Verilog Code

module rom #(parameter N = 7)(/*AUTOARG*/
   // Outputs
   // Inputs
   addr, en
   // output
   output [N-1:0] data;
   input [$clog2(N):0] addr;
   input	       en;


   reg [N-1:0]       mem [0:9];

        $display("-------- Loading ROM --------");
        $readmemb("memory.mem", mem);

   assign data = (en && (addr <= 'h9)) ? mem[addr] : 'h0;
